[01/09/2024 09:51:15 AM]: {"Name":"Sam Delaney","Email":"delaney.albert@gmail.com","Phone":"8758487534","Subject":"Dear logimonk.com Admin.","Message":"Hello Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this. We're an online marketing agency which specializes in Search Engine Optimization. We've been in the SEO business providing high quality SEO Services building successful SEO campaigns for over 15 years and have completed over 31,000 orders while serving 1000s of highly satisfied clients. If you have any questions please contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP. Contact us at \r\nhttps://digitalpromax.co/lb/"} [01/09/2024 10:34:46 AM]: {"Name":"TobiasQuima","Email":"no.reply.WilliamPeeters@gmail.com","Phone":"85216427133","Subject":"Reach your goals with the best advertising for your products and services!","Message":"Yo! logimonk.com \r\n \r\nDid you know that it is possible to send proposal successfully and legitimately? We propose a new legitimate method of submitting appeals through contact forms. These feedback forms can be seen in many places on the web. \r\nWhen such messages are sent, no personal data is used, and messages are sent to forms specifically designed to receive and process messages and appeals. Not thought of as spam, messages sent through Feedback Forms are considered important. \r\nWe give you the chance to sample our service without any cost. \r\nWe can send out up to 50,000 messages for you. \r\n \r\nThe cost of sending one million messages is $59. \r\n \r\nThis offer is automatically generated. \r\nPlease use the contact details below to get in touch with us. \r\n \r\nContact us. \r\nTelegram - https://t.me/FeedbackFormEU \r\nSkype live:feedbackform2019 \r\nWhatsApp +375259112693 \r\nWhatsApp https://wa.me/+375259112693 \r\n \r\nWe only use chat for communication."} [01/09/2024 02:40:35 PM]: {"Name":"BitcoinSystem","Email":"bitcoinsystem@hotmail.com","Phone":"8008943572529","Subject":"€1.000 in 60 minuten","Message":"http://go.vemaqaov.com/0m3k Het enige wat u hoeft te doen is uw software nu GRATIS aan te schaffen."} [01/09/2024 03:33:04 PM]: {"Name":"Casimira Bugnion","Email":"bugnion.casimira@gmail.com","Phone":"062 769 10 35","Subject":"Hi logimonk.com Admin.","Message":"Hi, I will do on page SEO optimizations.. I am an Full Stack Digital Marketer Ex Googler.\r\n\r\nAbout me\r\nMy experience includes working with Enterprise, Mid-level Enterprise, SMB and startups. I’ve worked with digital agencies and major clients with multi-million dollar budgets. I’m an analytical thinker that drives leads and sales through research and testing. Reach out to me for custom gigs for anything digital marketing. Thank you very much for your consideration and look forward to receiving your reply.\r\n\r\nExpert in:\r\n\r\nDisplay Advertising\r\n\r\nLocal SEO\r\n\r\nMarketing Advice\r\n\r\nSearch Engine Marketing (SEM)\r\n\r\nSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)\r\n\r\nVideo Marketing\r\n\r\nWeb Analytics.\r\n\r\n\r\nMore than 15000+ order completed\r\n\r\ncheck my full profie here : https://bit.ly/randysmccabe"} [01/09/2024 08:15:47 PM]: {"Name":"Mike Crossman\r\n","Email":"mikeFarancy@gmail.com","Phone":"84989257797","Subject":"FREE fast ranks for logimonk.com","Message":"Hi there \r\n \r\nJust checked your logimonk.com baclink profile, I noticed a moderate percentage of toxic links pointing to your website \r\n \r\nWe will investigate each link for its toxicity and perform a professional clean up for you free of charge. \r\n \r\nStart recovering your ranks today: \r\nhttps://www.hilkom-digital.de/professional-linksprofile-clean-up-service/ \r\n \r\nRegards \r\nMike Crossman\r\nHilkom Digital SEO Experts \r\nhttps://www.hilkom-digital.de/"}