[05/08/2024 02:00:23 AM]: {"Name":"JaneGuere","Email":"artibraosteoke218@list.ru","Phone":"88262878123","Subject":"МТС безлимитный интернет ","Message":"ТЕЛЕ 2 МТС Мегафон Билайн ростелеком йота интернет без лимитов 4g 5g 2g 3g wifi роутер, раздача неограниченно мобильная SIM-карта, беспредельный тариф https://t.me/bezlimtarif перенос телефонного номера, подходит для квартиры и загородного дома."} [05/08/2024 08:49:03 AM]: {"Name":"DonaldBLURN","Email":"aleksandr_fomin_1962@list.ru","Phone":"81668844528","Subject":"kraken6.at","Message":"Russian energy giant Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) have signed an agreement on additional gas shipments to China, the Russian company announced on Thursday. \r\nkraken10.at \r\nThe deal was struck during a meeting between Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller and CNPC Chairman of the Board of Directors Dai Houliang on the sidelines of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing. \r\n \r\n“During the meeting, Gazprom and CNPC signed an additional agreement to the gas purchase and sale contract via the East Route for an additional volume of Russian gas supplies to China until the end of 2023,” Gazprom wrote on its Telegram channel. \r\nhttps://kraken7jmgt7yhhe2c4iyilthnhcugfylcztsdhh7otrr6jgdw667pqd-onion.com \r\nkraken13.at"} [05/08/2024 01:56:33 PM]: {"Name":"Federico Gehlert","Email":"federico_gehlert@gmail.com","Phone":"937-931-2183","Subject":"Saw something negative {about|slamming| logimonk.com - {urgent|should i be worried|should I be concerned?|is this true?}","Message":"hi there!\r\n\r\nIt's been some time since we last communicated, but I came across a very negative opinon online about logimonk.com and immediately needed to message you guys to disprove this nonsense. \r\n\r\nIt seems like there's some negative press that could be potentially damaging. \r\nBeing aware of how easily stories can get out of hand and not wanting you to be unprepared, I decided to notify you.\r\n\r\nHere's where I came across the info:\r\n\r\nhttps://ibit.ly/q-LQP\t\t\r\n\r\nMy hope is it's all a simple confusion, but I believed it necessary you should know!\r\n\r\ntalk to you soon,\r\nFederico\r\n"} [05/08/2024 09:14:07 PM]: {"Name":"Tyrell Crane","Email":"tyrell.crane@yahoo.com","Phone":"925-949-6278","Subject":"Noticed something alarming about logimonk.com - urgent","Message":"\r\n\r\nIt's been some time since we last communicated, but I just saw a very negative opinon online about logimonk.com and felt compelled to reach out to disprove this review. \r\n\r\nIt appears like there's some negative press that could be potentially damaging. \r\nBeing aware of how fast misinformation can spread and hoping not you to be caught off guard, I thought it best to notify you.\r\n\r\nHere's where I came across the info:\r\n\r\nhttps://ibit.ly/ShkIN\t\t\r\n\r\nMy hope is it's all a simple confusion, but I believed it necessary you should know!\r\n\r\nBest wishes,\r\nTyrell\r\n"}