[07/01/2024 02:23:34 AM]: {"Name":"Carlossoutt","Email":"inet4747@outlook.com","Phone":"87149191545","Subject":"Sales on Etsy, Amazon","Message":" Pinterest advertising for the USA and English-speaking countries. Etsy, amazon, shopify, ebay"}
[07/01/2024 09:28:57 AM]: {"Name":"Duathe","Email":"vinaza239@mail.ru","Phone":"83288474138","Subject":"Wow! This Robot is a great start for an online career.","Message":"Try out the best financial robot in the Internet.] https://t.me/cryptaxbot/14?Enzynccok57cok"}
[07/01/2024 12:10:43 PM]: {"Name":"Duathe","Email":"julkovakina1996@mail.ru","Phone":"85364795683","Subject":"Trust the financial Bot to become rich.","Message":"Looking for an easy way to make money? Check out the financial robot.] https://t.me/cryptaxbot/14?Enzynccok44cok"}
[07/01/2024 02:28:32 PM]: {"Name":"Jamessed","Email":"goldboy1931@gmail.com","Phone":"84654416524","Subject":"Виды щебня","Message":" Бутовый камень – популярный в строительстве и отделке натуральный материал в виде кусков и обломков отдельных горных пород осадочного типа. Добывают его в карьерах при разработке месторождений песчаника, гранита, известняка и других пород. \r\nОсобый материал повсеместно используется для возведения фундаментов, ограждений, инженерных сооружений, в декорировании строений и ландшафтном дизайне - щебень в Ростове на Дону с доставкой."}
[07/01/2024 06:19:40 PM]: {"Name":"Valencia Magoffin","Email":"valencia.magoffin@gmail.com","Phone":"1507549197","Subject":"Dear logimonk.com Administrator.","Message":"Are you still looking at getting your website done/ completed? Contact e.solus@gmail.com"}
[07/01/2024 07:29:12 PM]: {"Name":"Loren Seese","Email":"loren.seese@gmail.com","Phone":"319-321-3722","Subject":"Saw something worrying about logimonk.com - should I be concerned?","Message":"hi!\r\n\r\nIt's been a while since our last conversation, but I just got emailed something online about logimonk.com and immediately needed to message you guys to validate this article. \r\n\r\nIt seems like there's some unfavorable news that could be harmful to your reputation. \r\nBeing aware of how quickly rumors can spiral and not wanting you to be unprepared, I thought it best to warn you.\r\n\r\nHere's the source of the info:\r\n\r\nhttps://ibit.ly/ZwhfC\t\t\r\n\r\nI'm hoping it's all a simple confusion, but I thought it best you should know!\r\n\r\nWishing you all the best,\r\nLoren\r\n"}
[07/01/2024 08:34:50 PM]: {"Name":"Margie Mercer","Email":"margie.mercer@gmail.com","Phone":"69 343 68 36","Subject":"Hello logimonk.com Administrator.","Message":"Are you still looking at getting your website done/ completed? Contact e.solus@gmail.com"}