[12/05/2024 01:26:48 AM]: {"Name":"RobertInile","Email":"bikon777@rambler.ru","Phone":"86834357695","Subject":"аренда лодки энгельс","Message":" \r\n \r\nПодарите себе и близким необычные эмоции с \r\nаренда катера на оке \r\n! Подготовьте шашлыки, включите музыку и отправляйтесь в путь. \r\nОтличный день на воде гарантирован. Связывайтесь для получения информации и бронирования! ==>>> Эаказать: \r\nсочи на яхте \r\n \r\nОбращайтесь, чтобы забронировать! \r\nvariant4"} [12/05/2024 04:07:11 AM]: {"Name":"Mike Milan Brown\r\n","Email":"mikexxxx@gmail.com","Phone":"88755293655","Subject":"Collaboration Request","Message":"Hello, \r\n \r\nThis is Mike MacAlister\r\n from Monkey Digital, \r\nI am reaching out to you like webmaster to webmaster, towards a mutual opportunity. How would you like to put our banners on your site and link back via your affiliate link towards hot selling services from our website, and earn a 35% residual income, month after month from any sales that comes in from your sites. \r\n \r\nThink about it, everyone needs SEO, this is a pretty major opportunity, We have over 12k affiliates already and our payouts are made each month, hefty payouts, last month we have reached 27280$ in payouts to our affiliates. \r\n \r\nIf interested, kindly chat with us: https://monkeydigital.co/affiliates-whatsapp/ \r\n \r\nOr sign up today: https://www.monkeydigital.co/join-our-affiliate-program/ \r\n \r\nCheers \r\nMike MacAlister\r\n \r\nmonkeydigital.co"} [12/05/2024 11:40:53 AM]: {"Name":"Amanda Roland","Email":"roland.amanda@gmail.com","Phone":"2316205607","Subject":"Partnership proposal!","Message":"Hi,\r\n\r\n\r\nI came across your website and thought Deel could be a great fit for your business. It’s a platform that makes managing payroll, contracts, taxes, and compliance easy. Whether you’re hiring locally or globally, Deel helps automate payments, stay compliant with tax laws, and handle accounts across countries.\r\n\r\n\r\nCheck it out here:https://bit.ly/deel-for-business\r\n\r\nOr, if you know anyone else who might benefit, feel free to forward this to them!\r\n\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nAmanda Roland"} [12/05/2024 03:04:04 PM]: {"Name":"MatthewMesse","Email":"denis-doronin5132@rambler.ru","Phone":"84261361748","Subject":"kmspico windows activator","Message":" \r\nwindows activator kmspico \r\nis a reliable tool for unlocking Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. It offers a efficient and permanent activation method, enabling users to access all premium features. You can read further."} [12/05/2024 03:56:58 PM]: {"Name":"Geoffrey Aspinall","Email":"aspinall.geoffrey65@googlemail.com","Phone":"3571677103","Subject":"Do you have enough customers?","Message":"Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers\r\n contact me here and tell me what you need ===== > https://tinyurl.com/3ckxfu2c\r\nSee you there\r\n\r\nRegards\r\nAwals\r\n"} [12/05/2024 09:08:59 PM]: {"Name":"Pauline Ramsey","Email":"ramsey.pauline@gmail.com","Phone":"425267519","Subject":"looking for clarification","Message":"Make your marketing budget work harder. For a flat rate, we’ll send your ad text to millions of website contact forms. It’s cost-effective, reliable, and guarantees your message is read.\r\n\r\n Reach out using the contact info below to learn more.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nPauline Ramsey\r\nEmail: Pauline.Ramsey@morebiz.my\r\nWebsite: http://hkrezw.advertise-with-contactforms.pro\r\nConnect with me via Skype: https://join.skype.com/invite/nVcxdDgQnfhA"} [12/05/2024 09:36:41 PM]: {"Name":"TedBealo","Email":"axobajigufo34@gmail.com","Phone":"81746517981","Subject":"Hello i am write about your prices","Message":"Hi, roeddwn i eisiau gwybod eich pris."} [12/05/2024 10:03:37 PM]: {"Name":"Amandaroowiz3","Email":"amandaphewlyb@gmail.com","Phone":"89434617134","Subject":"I’m in the mood to explore… just you and me ❤️ ❤️ ❤️","Message":"Let’s make tonight unforgettable… your place or mine? - https://rb.gy/es66fc?greelm"}